About Veery

2023 Year in Review

As we say goodbye to another remarkable year at Veery, it's time to take a moment to reflect...

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What Veery Offers That Co-Working Spaces Don't

Today’s workforce is looking for more than just space to work. They crave flexibility, convenience and personalized service.

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How Veery Helps Clients Keep Costs Low

When companies aren't bogged down by high costs, they're able to spend their dollars where it matters most...

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The Personalized Office Solution for Hybrid Work

Hybrid work is the best of both worlds, and companies are adopting this model as they evolve with changing times...

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The Office "Hotelization" Revolution

The workplace landscape today is ever changing — and as such, the concept of what a physical office space means to teams, is evolving.

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Your Top 3 Questions about Veery, Answered.

Here are the top 3 questions we hear from our clients and business partners...

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Veery x Junson Capital Case Study

Junson Capital reached out to Veery looking for a bespoke solution for satellite employees in Palo Alto, and we stepped up to the plate!

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How Veery Has Evolved to Meet the Moment

We launched Veery as a short-term leasing and management platform but as the workforce emerged from the pandemic, we saw a greater opportunity.

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Right Amount of Money, Right Amount of Use

The Perfect Match: Right Amount of Money, Right Amount of Use

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Celebrating Asian-Pacific American Heritage Month

Celebrating Asian-Pacific American Heritage Month: Veery Founder's Immigration Story.

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